Risks covered indicatively:
- Hull and Machinery cover for airplanes and helicopters
- Passengers’ and luggage liability
- Third Party Liability
- Cargo liability
- War risks
- Loss of license
Professional Insurance (PI)
Indicative coverage:
- Doctors
- Pharmacists
- Lawyers
- Civil Engineers/ Architects
- Tour Operators
- Accountants
- Brokers
- Directors and Officers Insurance (D&O)
Areas covered indicatively:
- Life
- Loss of Life
- Total / Partial Disability
- Accident
- Hospital Care
- Medical Care
- Loss of Income / Income Protection
- Pension
- Savings
- Sailing and Motor Yachts for both private and professional use
- Crew
Risks covered:
- Third Party and passengers Liability (as per Law no 4256/2014)
- Personal Injuries
- Pollution
- Damages caused by
- Fire
- Explosion
- Malicious Act
- Perils of the sea (sinking, collision)
- Crew negligence
- Theft
- Salvage / towage
- War risks
Risks covered indicatively:
- Life
- Hospitalisation and medical cover
- Retirement
- Income protection in the event of partial or total disability caused by accident or illness
- Maternity allowance
- Surgery allowance
- Medical allowance
Through our exclusive cooperation with leading health service providers, we create specialized programs, in addition to group programs mentioned above.
Risks covered indicatively:
- Third Party Liability
- Fire
- Theft
- Weather conditions
- Own damages
- Glass damages
- Roadside assistance
Risks covered:
- Home (building and/ or contents)
- Fire
- Flood
- Earthquake
- Burglary
- Third Party Liability
- Fixed glass damages
- Terrorist acts
- Civil riots
- Offices/ Stores
- Fine Art
Risks covered indicatively:
- Medical & Hospitalisation
- Transfer and repatriation of the insured and the family members
- Loss of life
- Injury
- Damage / Loss of Luggage
- Legal Assistance
- Third Party Liability
- Expenses due to flight delay
Risks covered indicatively:
- Personal data protection
- Intellectual property rights protection
- Expenses for data recovery and restoration after breach
- Loss of Income due to business interruption
- Ransomware expenses
- Incident handling expenses